So easy to make and they smell wonderful! If an adult does the heating part, kids can help with the kneading, rolling, and cookie cutters.
When children (and even teens) are helping in the kitchen, always use safety first as your motto!
Supervise carefully and pay attention to details. Remember - YOU are the responsible one.
Supervise carefully and pay attention to details. Remember - YOU are the responsible one.
These aren't for eating. They won't hurt you, but they won't taste good. They're only for decorations - tree or wreath ornaments!
- Combine applesauce and gelatin in a small saucepan; let stand for 3 minutes.
- Adult Supervision: Then heat over medium heat, stirring constantly, until just simmering. Remove from heat.
- In a small bowl, whisk together: cinnamon, cornstarch and cloves. Stir in the applesauce mixture.
- Turn dough out onto counter and knead a few times. Divide dough in half; wrap each in plastic wrap - use within 30 minutes. (It dries fast!!)
- Roll dough between sheets of plastic wrap to a 1/4-inch thickness.
- Cut out ornaments with cookie cutters (small is best). Use a straw to cut out holes for hanging.
- Dry on a wire rack or wax paper overnight. String with ribbon or twine.