This recipe is for adults to make and kids to watch and play with afterwards.
When children (and even teens) are helping in the kitchen, always use safety first as your motto!
Supervise carefully and pay attention to details. Remember - YOU are the responsible one.
Supervise carefully and pay attention to details. Remember - YOU are the responsible one.
1 c rice flour
1 c corn flour
1 c salt
4 tsp cream of tartar
2 c hot water
2 tsp vegetable oil
food coloring
1 c corn flour
1 c salt
4 tsp cream of tartar
2 c hot water
2 tsp vegetable oil
food coloring
- Adult Supervision Required for This Step: Mix all ingredients in a saucepan over a low heat until all is combined and a dough consistency is reached.
- Let it cool completely before giving it to your child to play with.
- After playing, place the dough in a ziplock bag (squeezing out all the air), so that it doesn't harden and can be reused.
- Another option is to roll the dough with a rolling pin on waxed paper. Use cookie cutters to make decorations. Punch a hole in each for threading a ribbon later. Air dry and decorate with paint and glitter, if you want.