This is a super-sweet liqueur, but I love a splash of it in sparkling water! Typically, it's served as an after-dinner drink.
- Wash lemons thoroughly and pat dry. Cut away the lemon peel in the longest strips you can, avoiding the white "pith" as much as possible. It's very easy and much safer to remove the peels with a vegetable peeler.
- Wrap the lemons in Saran wrap and save for other recipes, make lemonade, etc.
- Put the lemon peels in a 2 quart glass container, such as a pitcher or large jar that has been sterilized in the dishwasher or washed very thoroughly in hot, soapy water.
- Pour the vodka over the peels, shaking the jar or pitcher, just a bit to mix. Cover the top with plastic wrap or a jar lid.
- Let the lemon peel/vodka sit for 4 days at room temperature. Swirl the jar around once a day to mix.
- After 4 days, dissolve sugar in water over medium-high heat, stirring frequently. Sugar is dissolved when the mixture turns clear. Remove from heat and cool completely at room temperature.
- Remove the top from the lemon peel/vodka mixture and pour in the sugar syrup. Replace top and let sit overnight at room temp.
- The next day, strain the jar mixture using a mesh-style strainer. If you don't have one, a coffee filter suspended over a cup and secured with a rubber band will work. (It will just take longer.)
- Discard the lemon peels; pour the limoncello into sterilized bottles (just run them through the dishwasher).
- Seal bottles and chill in refrigerator. It's ready!
- Keep the limoncello refrigerated. It will last for one month - if it's not gone first!